Finding a place to satisfy the adventurousness of people is now incredibly easy. There is one place built to challenge the patience and desire for exploring when tourists come to Vung Tau – one ideal location with a lot of attractions. Of those destinations, Jesus Christ’s Statue is the symbol of Vung Tau city and has become the favourite place both domestically and internationally.
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Jesus Christ’s Statue: the Symbol of Vung Tau City, Vietnam
- History Of Construction:
Jesus Christ’s Statue is said to resemble “the witness” of talent and aspiration for discovering the nature of Vietnamese people. It is located on the peak of “Núi Nhỏ” (Nho Mountain) in Vung Tau city.
Back in 1974, it was the critical milestone that the statue was officially on construction. Due to difficult periods in 1975, the statue was completed 20 years later. At the beginning of 1992, with the agreement of the authorities, the governor Trần Văn Huyền and local people carried out the restoration of the statue. At that time, this statue was in a seriously downgraded situation because of the extreme weather. Besides, the statue was located on the height of 176m compared to sea level, so people had difficulty in the transport of materials. Through ups and downs in the historical times and great efforts of the Church, this statue construction was substantially completed in 1994 to serve the demand for sightseeing of tourists and religious people.
In 1993, the statue of Jesus Christ was recognized as the historical-cultural national monument. Notably, this place was regarded as the largest Asian statue to be recognized by the Asian record organization in 2012.
- Unique Architecture:

Jesus Christ’s Statue attracts tourists by its impressive height. This statue is 32m high with an arm length of 18.3m and stands in the height of 170m. Particularly, its view is toward the sea; inside the statue there are 133 steps to come to two arms of the statue. Standing on these arms, tourists can oversee the broad view in the long distance. Notably, the statue of Jesus Christ shares the resemblance to a two-meter high statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil.
Due to the magnificence of this place, adventurous people cannot stop paying a visit to Vung Tau sea city to admire the giant statue. Here, you not only have a chance to explore the large statue but also enjoy the beautiful landscape of Vung Tau city in the high position, which can create a sense of amazement for you.
On the top of Nho Mountain, the Jesus Christ’s Statue appears tremendous, large and firm with two arms lengthening like supporting humans. The statue is toward the beach harmoniously and gracefully like protecting the local people.
Although the construction was made from the usual materials such as the mixture of concrete and steel, aesthetics and art from posture, facial expression, clothing were expressed lively, softly and creatively.
- Tremendous Sightseeing:

It is said that the statue is built to challenge adventurers and religious people. To get to the top to admire the beauty of the statue, tourists have to pass through nearly 800 steps with two sides of trees and flowers. If you feel tired during the time of exploring the statue, you can take a rest on benches and stop stations along the road. Besides, tourists can enjoy the fresh atmosphere and flowers in blossom in stop stations. Moreover, observing the beach with dashing waves and ships brings a great experience.
Additionally, tourists can have an opportunity to admire the unique architecture of the statue. Statue of Jesus Christ was placed on the ten-meter bow-shaped concrete base; the front side is the relievo “Bữa tiệc ly” (the last meal when Jesus Christ ate with his fellows before he was arrested and hanged on the cross). The backside is the other relievo “Đức Chúa trao chìa khóa cho Phêrô” (Jesus Christ gave the key to Phero god).
Fascinatingly, taking 133 steps inside the statue, standing in the shoulder of the statue, you should close your eyes and pray for happiness and blessings. It is rumoured that your wishes will come true; then you can open your eyes and admire the natural beauty of this sea city and feel the cool air.
- Nearby Location:

After enjoying yourself in this place, you can continue the Vung Tau trip by visiting Nho Mountain. This mountain lies next to the shore; especially, in the mountain foot, there are many coastal roads with the chain of modern restaurants, coffee houses, and hotels. Nho Mountain is remarkable with two peaks; the higher has the lighthouse, and the lower has the statue of Jesus Christ. This lighthouse is also an ideal place for tourists to admire the beautiful landscape. Vung Tau lighthouse was built by the French with the purpose to give the signal for ships and boats. It lies on the height of 149m compared to the sea level. Vung Tau lighthouse was commonly known among the most ancient towers in Vietnam and South Asia.
The Jesus Christ’s Statue promises to bring tourists unforgettable experiences for the journey of exploring Vung Tau sea city. It is also a significant gift for religious people and adventurers after passing hundreds of steps to reach the top of this statue. Coming to this place, you will immerse yourself into the magnificent atmosphere in the impressive height.
By Minh Phuong